As I started reading Chapter 7 (The Way Things Are), a chord was struck within me immediately. Via email, the entire staff and student body in my district were informed that due to losing one day of school because of snow, a day of Spring break was being taken away. No one; staff, parents, or students were anticipating this action because the official School Calendar has sequential dates of snow-related make-up days, and notice had been given to everyone in confirmation. To make matters worse, the School Board decided to take the very last scheduled student day of the year and put it also into a Spring Break day. This is all being done only two weeks before the break is to begin. My first reaction and attitude was not good, to say the least.
“The rain is liquid sunshine” has always been my motto, but I lost sight of that for a while today. ‘What is, is…’, the only thing that can be changed is my outlook and attitude. I have started to just that, accept what is and not let it ruin the few days that I do have off. Tomorrow will be a day of negative comments among the staff. It will be my responsibility to not be discouraged and to help others adjust to our given circumstance. At times, a reminder comes in mysterious ways.
‘The Art of Possibility’ is a very easy read, but personally, the constant musical references and examples are getting tiresome. While easy to understand and relate, other types of illustrations would be good.
:-) I wonder how many people: students and staff, will be ill those two days of Spring Break. I am disappointed how some decision makers are able to fill in the blanks and make sure that all the accounting adds up but completely fail to understand how humans work and what makes for a good learning environment. Staying in the blaming mode doesn't help anything, but you had to admit that this was a dumb bone-head move that shows the disconnect between these decision makers and the needs/desires of their constituents (the students). Reminds me of this one time when I was in a band... just kidding. :-)
ReplyDeleteWe have not added days yet but we have started making cuts. It is amazing to me to see the difference is staff when things like this happen. It is very easy to see the ones only concerned with themselves and what is going to affect them. I am more of a person willing to adapt and be useful where they need me. Remember Phillipians 4:13.