An 'A' I was so taken with this portion of the book that I felt lead to respond. Every marking period, I start all over with twelve new classes, and begin each one the same way, "Every person in this class has an 'A'. It will take the lack of participation and effort to lose that 'A'". As the marking period continues, and I see a student that is not maintaining the expected grade, I take them aside to help in redirecting efforts. It is amazing how this little effort can adjust an attitude and elicit an apology (which in never the goal). In the course of a year, over 800 learners go through my door. Out of those 800, no more than 25 will earn less than the "A" announced on the first day. Positive encouragement does work.
Another way I try to encourage my students is by having my 5th graders write a letter to his/herself towards the end of the year. Little direction is given to the learners other than anything and everything is permitted. No one is going to read this letter, except for the writer. Dreams, self-image, fears, abilities, and whatever else, is written about. The learners then address an envelope, seal it, and write his/her initial across the seal as proof of no tampering. I then put the letters away for seven years (I put a sticky with the year of graduation on the bundle) to be mailed towards the end of the particular's class senior year. The feedback I receive after the letters are mailed are broad: "I wish I had written more", "I fulfilled so many of my dreams, but still have more to do", "I couldn't figure out where this letter came from", to "I was so embarrassed by what I wrote". It is not so much what is written that matters to these students, however, as it is that I was faithful in keeping my promise about mailing the letters and letting them know that I am so very proud of each and every one of them. Personal connection does matter!
Wow, a true believer. And you totally get that you aren't giving anything away, just finding a way for your students to set a goal and keep the goal. Awesome.