I was thrilled to have my Content Proposal accepted, but then it hit me. I need to actually create what I proposed! It is time for me to take a deep breath as I consider the layout of my Media Project. I spent some time this week interviewing female students on perception of technology. A wide range of answers were given, but the final question of, ‘would you be more comfortable in a female-only CS course in ninth grade be something you would consider? and why?’ received a positive response of nine out of ten interviewed. I expected the response to be high on the positive side, but definitely not what was given.
I was ready to start my editing this weekend, only to find out that the camera I was permitted to bring home from school, did not contain the actual taping. Hence, that part of the project will need to be completed sometime next week. Hopefully, it will not be recorded over before I can get to the LMC and recover my tape!!!
One step forward, more steps to go. :-)