Once again, I am going to approach this topic based on where I am presently in understanding the terminology and use of all the technology I am learning. By reflecting on the variety of material, it enables me to internalize and feel confident I truly understand all I am being presented at such a rapid rate.
After watching an endless number of videos and reading a variety of articles on Learning 2.0, I have come to recognize that everyone appears to agree on several things; the traditional manner of learning is now obsolete in connecting today’s student with real life application, emerging technology is a part of home and school life, (O’Hear, 2006). That being said, the disconnect occurs in the local district acknowledging the time for change is NOT coming, but has already arrived. As the school year is about to commence and I reconnect with my colleagues, I share with them about all I have been learning through the classes, projects, collaboration, research and readings. The responses are becoming almost predictable, sadly. “That is so cool that you are doing that, but I don’t have the time to figure out how to put anything else into my curriculum.” “I have everything finally in order. You are nuts to start changing everything now.” “Do you really think that you are going to get the access to the computers and sites that you need to implement what you are telling me.” If people that I work with and respect maintain this attitude, then the fight to move forward is a small army indeed. My school district has reaffirmed this line of thinking. I am required to submit pre-approval for every course in order to pursue my Masters +60. The course that we have next month, Training and Motivational Development was denied due to the fact the district can not justify how I will ever use this course in my classroom. I am realizing more and more how much of a trailblazer I will need to be first in my classroom, then my building and ultimately in my district. I am going to find a solid support of peers to walk beside me, encourage me and defend me when the challenges are voiced. Fortunately, I know those to include in my foundational structure in pursuing these emerging technologies.
As a relative novice to all this technology, this video helped me to comprehend a little more about the goals I need to pursue in order to be a true 21st Century classroom.
3 Steps for 21st Century Learning
O’Hear, S. (2006, August 8). Read, write, web: e-learning 2.0 - how Web technologies are shaping education. Retrieved August 12, 2008 from http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/e-learning_20.php
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